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Planning to spend 100€ for food&fun in Sibiu? You can save at least 10€ with! Make reservations on our website and you get 10,15 or 20% discount in your favorite location!

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La Cuptor

9 mai no.7, Sibiu


Piata Mica no. 30, Sibiu

Old Lisbon

Targul Pestelui no. 4, Sibiu

Best Venues
in Town

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La Cuptor

9 mai no.7, Sibiu


Piata Mica no. 30, Sibiu

Old Lisbon

Targul Pestelui no. 4, Sibiu

All day discount

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Go to any restaurant or location in our list, and use the ALL DAY DISCOUNT code that's valid for the whole day. You will get 10% discount for food and drinks, with no limits to your order!

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Restaurant Discounts - Food Deals in Sibiu - Travelscounter